Anastasia Lobas has graduated from the Master's program "Strategic Management of Logistics" in 2016
The first graduation of the Master Program "Strategic Management of Logistics" has taken place in June 2016. Our wonderful graduate – Anastasia Lobas – kindly agreed to answer a few questions.
Our graduates work in the best global companies.
June 7, 2017 successfully defended the master's thesis of the student of the program "Strategic Management of Logistics" Puhova Anastasia Romanovna (subject: "The formation of an optimal strategy in the management of the company's reserves").
Participation of 5 masters of the program "Strategic management of logistics" in the international scientific and practical conference "Research and Technology - Step into the Future" (Riga, Latvia): "We felt confident and comfortable, and feeling of gratification overwhelms our hearts."
On April 21, 2017, the annual scientific and practical conference "Research and Technology - Step into the Future" was held on the basis of the Transport and Telecommunication Institute, Riga, Latvia.
Results of the visit of prof. Harri Lorentz (University of Turku, Finland) at the Higher School of Economics, St. Petersburg
At the suggestion of the scientific director of the laboratory of research in logistics, the head of the department of logistics and supply chain management, prof. V.S. Lukinsky program committee of the International Scientific Student Conference (HIM) SPb included in the list of key lecturers prof. Harri Lorentz (University of Turku, Finland) on February 3, 2017, on the theme "The analysis of the logistics development trends in global scale".

The International Conference “Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication” (RelStat`16)
From October 19 – 21, 2016, Academic Supervisor of Scientific Laboratory of Logistics Research professor Valery Lukinskiy took part in an international conference “Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication” (RelStat`16)

Scientific Laboratory of Logistics Research at Higher School of Economics St. Petersburg complied with the requirements of research work for the St. Petersburg State Unitary Enterprise "Passazhiravtotrans" (Section 1)
In accordance with the terms of reference for scientific and research work on the theme "Development of complex models for forecasting demand for spare parts for rolling stock SPb SUE "Passazhiravtotrans" based on the analysis of operational reliability, September 16, 2016 Customer information was provided under Section 1 "Organization software and methods for determining the need for spare parts bus fleet SPb SUE "Passazhiravtotrans".

Further training of employees of the company "Lenta" in logistics and supply chain management.
Professors of the Department of Logistics and Supply Chain Management Honored Scientist, Professor, V.S.Lukinsky; Professor A.A.Bochkarev; Professor V.V.Lukinsky held on 8 and 9 July 2016 sessions for the participants of management training programs "Lenta Leader 2.0".

St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and automation of the Russian Academy of Sciences SPIIRAS and HSE – Saint Petersburg have signed the agreement on cooperation
At the initiative of the Scientific Laboratory of Logistics ResearchSt. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the HSE Saint Petersburg have signed the agreement on cooperation.

Students of Master's program "Strategic management of logistics" Berezina Anastasia and Puhova Anastasia participated in the international scientific-practical conference «Research and Technology - Step into the Future» (Riga, Latvia).
21-22 April 2016 on the basis of Transport and Telecommunication Institute, Riga, Latvia (Transport and Telecommunication Institute, Riga, Latvia) hosted the annual scientific and practical conference «Research and Technology - Step into the Future».
One fine day, after 30 years…
Honored Scientist of Russia, professor, doctor of technical sciences, supervisor of Scientific Laboratory of Logistics Research of HSE St. Petersburg Valery Lukinsky on April 29, 2016 was awarded the title of full professor in ordinary by decision of the Academic Council of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics". In the St. Petersburg branch of the HSE Valery Lukinskiy become to be the fifth and the first full professor of logistics and supply chain management.