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Results of the XX International Scientific and Practical Conference "Logistics: Actual Development Trends"

HSE - St. Petersburg (scientific laboratory for research in the field of logistics), State University of Maritime and River Fleet named after Admiral S.O. Makarova and the St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering on April 08-09, 2021 held the XX International Scientific and Practical Conference "Logistics: Actual Development Trends".

WINTER SCHOOL OUTCOMES 2021 (Master's program in Strategic Logistics Management)

The work of the Winter School 2021 of the National Research University Higher School of Economics St. Petersburg has ended. Let's talk about the main results of the meeting with applicants for the Master's program "Strategic Logistics Management".

AT THE LEVEL OF THE BEST MASTER'S PROGRAMS IN LOGISTICS AND SUPPLY CHAIN ​​MANAGEMENT: the results of prof. Harri Lorentz (Turku School of Economics at the University of Turku, Finland) in St. Petersburg

Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof. V.S. Lukinskiy moderated the meeting of the Vice-Governor of St. Petersburg M.Y. Sokolov with the audience of the program "Horizons of Opportunities"

July 10, 2020 Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Tenured Professor of the Higher School of Economics, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Head of the Department of Logistics and Supply Chain Management Prof. V.S. Lukinskiy moderated the online lecture "Development of the transport system of St. Petersburg in the medium and long term" of the Vice-Governor of St. Petersburg M.Y. Sokolov.

Bernadsky Igor Elmarovich is a lecturer of the Master's program "Strategic management of logistics"

In the 2020-2021 academic year I.E. Bernadsky, Leading Specialist in Data Analysis and Control of the Logistics Business Efficiency Group, Baltika Breweries, will conduct classes for second-year masters of the Strategic Logistics Management program.

Marina Nikolaevna Korobkova will become a lecturer of the Master's program "Strategic Management of Logistics"

In the academic year 2020-2021, M.N. Korobkova, a specialist in the field of customs operations in transport and logistics systems, will conduct classes for masters of the program "Strategic Logistics Management" within the discipline "Customs Operations in Global Supply Chains".

Maksimov Maksim Georgievich, Commercial Director of 'Solvo', will become a lecturer of Master's programme 'Strategic Management in Logistics'

In the academic year 2020-2021, Maksimov M.G., Commercial Director of 'Solvo', will conduct classes for second-year masters of 'Strategic Management in Logistics' programme

Nikolayevsky Nikolayevich Nikolayevich, the best teacher of the Higher School of Economics - St. Petersburg in 2018 and 2019, is going to be a lecturer of Master's programme

In the 2020-2021 academic year, N.N. Nikolaevsky, a senior lecturer in the Department of Logistics and Supply Chain Management, will conduct classes for first-year masters of 'Strategic Management in Logistics' programme.

ZOLOTUHINA IRINA VIKTOROVNA, Director for Customs Policy and Import Substitution JV Ford Sollers (2015-2019), will become the lecturer of the master's programme 'Strategic Management in Logistics'

In the academic year 2020-2021, I.V. Zolotukhina, Director for Customs Policy and Import Substitution, Ford Sollers JV (2015-2019), will conduct classes for second-year masters of 'Strategic Management in Logistics' programme within the framework of the discipline Interfunctional and Interorganizational Integration in logistics.

LEONTIEV DMITRY SERGEEVICH, Head of Logistics, SVEZA Group of Companies (No. 1 company in the world producing birch plywood; more than 80 countries - buyers on 5 continents; 7,550 employees; 7 plants) will become a lecturer of the master's programme 'Strategic Management in Logistics'

In the academic year 2020-2021, D.S. Leontyev, Head of Logistics, SVEZA Group of Companies, will conduct classes for second-year masters of 'Strategic Management in Logistics' programme